With President Obama’s Healthcare Reform, clinical practices everywhere are scrambling to convert their paper charts into electronic medical records. This is unknown territory and people are looking for a leader to guide them. That’s where a Chief medical Information Officer comes in.
New companies are creating their own “Best EMR” system. As the CMIO, you strategize plans to choose an EMR based on your company’s needs, formulate an implementation plan, and oversee the transition process. Afterwards, you’ll continue to support the development of clinical informatics at the institution.
Pay varies widely but the general consensus is that CMIO’s earn $200,000 to $300,000 per year. CEJKA reported that the average base salary in 2008 was $253,521 and the average total compensation was $315,730. The largest base salary reported on their website was $400,000. The largest total compensation reported? $600,000.
CMIO.net released the results of their 2010 survey which supports the CEJKA survey. They found that greater than 48% of physicians made more than $200,000 dollars.
Leaders in this position typically have a passion for technology. Many physicians have several years of experience in medical informatics. Some physicians have advanced degrees such as an MBA or MHA. Several universities now offer a Masters in Medical Informatics which can give you an edge in the field.
An interesting training opportunity is doing a 1-2 year Fellowship in Medical Informatics. At least this way, you can get a small stipend during your training compared to getting into more debt if you get your masters degree.
[ October 2011 update ]
Now, Clinical Informatics is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties. This means that you can now take an exam and become board certified in Clinical Informatics! It’s a new way for physicians to give credit to their expertise in the medical technology profession. Read more information about it in our article, here.
Chief Medical Information Officers are physician technologists. They are the go-to person in times of technological advancement. If you enjoy leading others and working with the latest computer technology, consider this career.
CEJKA Executive Search, “2008 CMIO and Physician IT Survey Report”
CMIO.net, “CMIO 2010 Compensation Survey”