The show is both an inspiration and a frustration for me. Inspirational because it makes me want to create some sort of invention for mass market and be as successful as the tycoons sitting on the show! But it’s also a frustration because it’s something I’ll probably never be able to do. Let’s face it, I have no engineering or creative experience!
But this doctor does.
Dr. Floyd Seskin is a urologist in Florida who invented the Uro Club. It’s a fake golf club with a little hole where men can pee into it. It was invented to relieve urinary incontinence/retention issues during long games of golf. Crazy? Ridiculous? Maybe, but he saw a need, prototyped it, sold it at golf tradeshows, and struck a deal on the hit tv show, Shark Tank!
Kevin Harrington, the infomercials guru, gave Dr. Seskin $25,000 for 70% of the business. It was originally sold for $24.95 but I recently checked the website and it’s selling at $19.99 until supplies last. It’s been a few years now though, so I don’t know how much of a hit it was. But, it’s still pretty cool that Dr. Seskin did this. I wonder if he has any other inventions up his sleeve.
Check out the video clip of the deal below :
If you’re curious or want to buy it, here’s the website!