mdsalaries salary snippets

Links for 2011-10-20

              Here are 5 links to articles related to physician salaries.  The first one is the most interesting.  It lists 16 salaries for pediatric specialists ra...
mdsalaries salary snippets

Links for 2011-10-13

              Here are five interesting articles about physician salaries or things that can affect it….like getting sued! Executive pay creeping up – F...

Medical Science Liaison Salary

Overview In the pharmaceutical industry, there are many divisions that do their part to get drugs into the hands of patients.  We’ve talked about the research and development process and the sa...

Clinical Research Salaries

Overview Clinical research is a multi-billion dollar market.  In 2008, over $35 billion dollars was spent on that branch of research alone.  And rightfully so.  Clinical research is the branch that d...
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Medical Sales and Marketing Salary

Overview The field of Medical Sales and Marketing has been around for a long time but only recently has there been a demand for physicians to enter this field.  Previously, you could have a bachelors...

Big Pharma Salaries

Overview As practicing physicians, we usually just see how our patients feel on drugs, better or not.  Some physicians turn their practices into a clinical trials site for extra cash.  That’s w...

Medical Director Salary

Overview It’s just like how it sounds : a medical director directs a medical practice.  These individuals are responsible for the daily clinical care that goes on.  In large organizations, ther...
chief medical information officer md salaries

Chief Medical Information Officer Salary

Overview With President Obama’s Healthcare Reform, clinical practices everywhere are scrambling to convert their paper charts into electronic medical records.  This is unknown territory and peo...