Have you ever wondered whether you could do something else with your medical degree? Are you a burned out, seasoned physician? Maybe you’re a resident with a change of heart. Or maybe you just want to do more projects on the side. If any of those questions resonated with you, you should check out the Medical Fusion Conference.
I went to this conference during my first year of family medicine residency and was surprised to see the number of physicians with the same thoughts. I even met a medical student there!
It’s a conference where physicians can learn about different jobs they could do, different revenue streams they could add, and network with other like-minded people.
Here are some of the topics for this year’s conference :
- Living and Working Abroad
- Concierge Medicine
- Real Estate Investing
- Should You Get Your MBA?
- Writing and Publishing
- Internet Entrepreneurship
- Product Development
- Monetize Your Blog
- Independent Consulting
- Physician Careers in Managed Care & Health Insurance
- Introduction to Disability Review
The faculty consists of physicians enjoying success from these topics. Dr. Steven Knope is one of the first concierge medicine physicians. Dr. Greg Bledsoe, creator of the conference, has lived and worked abroad long before he started directing conferences. Dr. Julie Silver has published 9 books and is the Chief Editor for Harvard Health Publications. Even the CEO of the American College of Physician Executives will be presenting.
I hope the conference brings back Dr. Maria Simba, television medical news reporter. Or find actual physicians consulting for TV shows like House or Scrubs. One thing I remember from Dr. Simba is that medical news is hard, intense, and doesn’t pay a lot, but she 100% loves her job.
Maybe you’ll find a new project you’ll love too. The Medical Fusion conference is this Friday, November 11 to 13 in Las Vegas. The cost is $949.
To see the full schedule and to register, click here.